National Society of Black Engineers

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About Us

Mission Statement

To increase the number of culturally responsible Black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community.


NSBE is committed to supporting diverse programs that enrich underrepresented engineering student professionally and academically. NSBE also promotes programs that encourage and influence young students in impoverished urban communities to pursue science and engineering degrees. NSBE's outreach programs create more dynamic interactive pre-college outreach programs that target minority into science and engineering study.

NSBE History

Learn more about the history of NSBE here.

What We Do

At UCSD, NSBE contributes to this worldwide mission by organizing diverse programs that enrich underrepresented engineering students professionally and academically.


We hold 3 - 4 General Body Meetings a quarter for our members together with other organizations or companies.

Professional Development

These include resume workshops, tech talks from different industries, and panels with industry professionals.

Social Events

We hold various social events during the year where our members can build community with each other.

Women In NSBE (WiNSBE)

The sole purpose of WiNSBE is to empower the Black female-identifying students in STEM at UCSD.


An annual outreach event focused on introducing underrepresented students in grades 4-8 to STEM fields and ideas.


NSBE as an organization is committed to helping students in highschool recieve the necessary resources to attend and succeed in college.

Calendar and Events

Check out some of our upcoming events!

Join Us

Subscribe to our Newletter Subscription and take a look at our other platforms via our linktree to keep up with all our events and activities! Furthermore, if you are interested in shadowing the the board team, fill out the Board Shadowing Interest Form!


Meet our 2024-2025 Officers

Nick Jobe

President Computer Engineering
Camera Shy

Jesus El

Vice-President External Nanoengineering

Koa Pickett

Vice-President Internal Computer Science

Yasmin Kabir

Social Chair Mathematics and Computer Science

Amina Hinkle

Treasurer Aerospace Engineering

Tyrone Gray III

Outreach Chair Computer Engineering

Michael J. Frazier

NSBE UCSD Advisor Assistant Professor at UCSD Dept. of Mech. and Aerospace Engineering

Alejandra Arguelles

Main Advisor IDEA Engineering Student Center Jacobs School of Engineering

Our Sponsors

Take a look at some of our sponsors!


Follow us on social media below or email us!

9450 Gilman Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92092
